Editorial: RE: Firefox and Thunderbird
Mozilla shmozilla if you know what I'm saying (can I get a what what!?)
Before today I had no problem with the hard working folks over there at Mozilla, but after I read Trevor's lame post about how much better they are than Microsoft, well, I can no longer endorse them or their products.
If you'd like to be one of the millions to petition Mozilla to get some sort of restraining order or anything that can separate them from Trevor, email partners@mozilla.org. I think the fine people at Mozilla need to know who's “endorsing” their product and there by slandering their good name.
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
weak sauce!!
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