Friday, November 19, 2004

The Anti TrevBlog Under Attack!?

That's right. Recently certain not so anonymous fiends have attacked the Anti TrevBlog with a flurry of anonymous comments. This is clearly an attempt to silence an important voice for freedom, democracy, and every value we as Americans cherish and have sacrificed our very sons and daughters for. We commit today to the millions (and millions) of readers of this blog, that we will not be silenced! No, we will not go quietly into the night! Today we commit to the redoubling our efforts and our postings. Someone must, and will, continue to point out just how weak the TrevBlog is and provided compelling and insightful commentary to challenge the fascist propaganda spewed out by what I can only describe as the most un-American blog in the world. If not for the sake of freedom and righteousness, then for the children, who are our future. May God continue to bless the Anti TrevBlog and have mercy on Trevor.



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