Editorial: TrevBlog - Where's the Posts?
As time rolls on the frequency of the postings on the TrevBlog is slowly starting to taper off. We here at the Anti TrevBlog view this as a step in the right direction and encourage Trevor’s lack of interest in his blog. “I knew it was only a matter of time before he lost interest” one friend of Trevor’s commented, “The day he told me he was going to make his own blog I was like, dang, this is just the flavor of the week, like that phone that plays movies. It won’t last.” But is all of this too good to be true? “Well, he might get inspired or something when he sees your article and post something about some lame TV show or something, but I wouldn’t worry, if I know Trevor, it’s only a matter of time before the TrevBlog goes the way of his USB watch”.

These old women could not find any new posts on the TrevBlog
I blame you for Trevor's recent decision to stop blogging. How dare you? Again, I say... How DARE you!! For years your master minded plan seemed futile to me. I would wake in the morning with a sense of security not from the Lord but from a deeper truth that Trevor's blog would never end. You've ruined my life. I shall never forgive you.
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