Monday, November 22, 2004

TrevBlog Linked to Baby Seal Clubbings?

Seal cull called off after 246,900 killed

Canada today called a halt to the main thrust of one of its biggest seal culls in years after hunters raced towards a quota allowance of nearly a quarter of a million carcasses within 48 hours. An animal advocacy group meanwhile accused some of the 13,000 commercial and amateur hunters of "terrible cruelty" towards their prey. *

Unconfirmed sources have reported to the Anti TrevBlog that Trevor's trip to Iceland this upcoming weekend may be directly related to the harvesting and exporting of the seal carcasses to make new "one-a-day disposable seal boots". Is Trevor's vacation to Iceland a cover up for his international baby seal shoe company? We asked an anonymous co-worker and long-time friend of Trevor's. "At first I couldn't even imagine it, but then when I got over the shock of it and really gave it some serious thought, I came to the conclusion that almost certainly yes. I think we've all known and just been in denial." Trevor could not be reached for comment.

God's valuable creation, or one-a-day boot?

* -

Friday, November 19, 2004

Increase in TrevBlog Postings Marks Solemn Day

The exponential increase in posting on the TrevBlog in the past couple of days marks what many God loving patriots are calling "the beginning of the end times". Rev Lon Solomon of Mclean Bible Church had this to say, "Israel is again a nation in the Middle East; there are plans to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem; and if that weren't enough, now we can read online postings clear as day that all point to what the Bible calls Armageddon. Jesus warned of this, and while you won't find it in the Bible, I'd bet my reputation that Trevor and his TrevBlog equals an end of God's mercy on our planet." Strong words indeed from a respected and well loved Pastor. Solomon continued, "Pack up your bags folks, we're headed home." We at the Anti TrevBlog while shocked and freighted by these remarks will continue to post fair and balanced retorts to Trevor's hate speech for as long as we can until the pending rapture.

Come soon Lord Jesus, amen, come soon.

The Anti TrevBlog Under Attack!?

That's right. Recently certain not so anonymous fiends have attacked the Anti TrevBlog with a flurry of anonymous comments. This is clearly an attempt to silence an important voice for freedom, democracy, and every value we as Americans cherish and have sacrificed our very sons and daughters for. We commit today to the millions (and millions) of readers of this blog, that we will not be silenced! No, we will not go quietly into the night! Today we commit to the redoubling our efforts and our postings. Someone must, and will, continue to point out just how weak the TrevBlog is and provided compelling and insightful commentary to challenge the fascist propaganda spewed out by what I can only describe as the most un-American blog in the world. If not for the sake of freedom and righteousness, then for the children, who are our future. May God continue to bless the Anti TrevBlog and have mercy on Trevor.


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Editorial: RE: Firefox and Thunderbird

Mozilla shmozilla if you know what I'm saying (can I get a what what!?)

Before today I had no problem with the hard working folks over there at Mozilla, but after I read Trevor's lame post about how much better they are than Microsoft, well, I can no longer endorse them or their products.

If you'd like to be one of the millions to petition Mozilla to get some sort of restraining order or anything that can separate them from Trevor, email I think the fine people at Mozilla need to know who's “endorsing” their product and there by slandering their good name.

Editorial: Ooo, The New TrevBlog, La Ti Da

Did anyone see, let alone care, what Trevor posted on his blog today? Something about Anna Nicole Smith at some award show. Ha! Weak sauce is all I can say.